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Recently Asked Questions

I bought a house, but the seller does not have a deed. He had bought it from another person and the owner who has deed has dead. Dead seller has two sons and one daughter. Now, I want to have the deed of house. Is it possible?

If previous seller has a document which shows he bought the house from the dead person, and if he give you his document about his deal with the dead person, then you can sue an action for transfering the deed. In addition, because the person who owns deed is dead, your defendants will be two sons and one daughters as well as the second seller. If the previous person of you does not give you his document, first, you should prosecute him in a criminal court and use the conclusion in your action for transfering the deed.

I make a contract with a French person to sell Zafaran to a Company. We accept CISG as a law in our contract. After 6 months from the performing the contract, we have a problem: The buyer does not accept tell me that “Since seller is from Iran and one party of this contract have not joined CISG, we cannot this convention”. Is it right?

According the convention, if two parties agree that the convention is enforceable, there will not be any problem even if the country of one party has not joined the convention.

I am a worker at a company. I signed a contract with the company. In this contract I accepted that work 8 hours a week without any insurance and other favorities. Furthermore, my payment is less than other workers who works like me. Regarding the contract and my sign, is it possible to sue an action?

According workers, they have the insurance rights and other favorities, although they have accepted the opposite in their contract. In other words, employers and employee cannot agree the opposite of Labour Law unless their agreement would be better for workers.

I am a shareholder at a company. At first I transfered my home as a property to the company. Now, I want to sell my shares and go out of the company. Can I return my home?

Now, the home considered as a property of company and you do not have any rights about it. However, if company has gained profit and you have not received it, you can sue an action and claim it.

I am Iranian woman and my husband is Canadian. After marriage, I received Canadian passport. Now, I want to get divorce. According to this matter that I have two citizenship, how should I sue an action to be successful in this case?

If you sue action in Iran, you should obey the law of Iran. In Iran, if a wife sues an action for divorce, she should give a successful excuse, namely, some limited reason that express in the law to allow her for divorce. As a result, she may lose. The truth of the matter is that I think you need to have a consultant with a family law in Canada to have a suitable decision.

I bought some goods (laptops) from a website for the staffs of company. I should say that I am a represent for the company and goods are not for myself as well as staffs want to use goods for their work on the company. After receiving, I found out that it is not suit for our staffs. In addition, some of them are defective. What can I do? Is there a withdrawal right for me or company?

you should divide this question in two part: First, since you bought them for your company to use staff for their duties in the company, and since the company is not a weak person in this deal, then your company does not have any withdrawal right. In other words, withdrawal right is for consumer and company is not a consumer in a technical name. Furthermore, you are a represent for your company. So you do not have this right, too. However, the seller has a contractual duty about defective goods and you can sue an action.

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